

Hi and welcome to my new space. It only seems natural to do an introduction and statement of purpose post, no?

I used to blog. I blogged for probably four or five years on three different blogs. I started when I was still in high school, circa 2001. My first blog was entitled, "The Inner Workings" and was basically a ramble of my thoughts, my angsty teenage life, etc. This lasted me into my second year of university. Congruent to that blog, I maintained one where I would post a news article every day and offer my thoughts, analyses, and critiques. In the fall of 2005, I studied abroad in Egypt. I set up a third blog about my time there and ended up abandoning the other two. The Egypt blog died before I returned home in January '06.

My vision for this space is a combination of my previous three: life, marriage, kitty motherhood, politics, news, activism, travel, expatriotism, photography, and food. I chose the title, "Transplanted to Palestine" because I feel that is exactly what happened to me. I had roots in America: family, history, friends, and community. I got my first taste of Palestine in the summer of 2006. I fell in love with the place and the people almost instantly and felt I could really flourish here. There was one person in particular who would end up being my reason for returning: Ash (much more on him later, I promise!).

I finished school and made the Big Move in August of 2007. Almost two years later, I feel I have grown new roots here in Palestine: love, friends, family, experience, pain (physical and emotional), and longing.

I look forward to sharing more of my history in Palestine as well as new discoveries. I envision this as somewhat of a shared space. If people have questions they want answers to (or at least my opinions of), I want them to ask. I also hope that maybe my husband, my friends, or other people I encounter will want to chime in here now and then.

Thanks for coming and I hope to see you again soon!

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